HistoryForge: Plans for the Future

The task of entering census information will take a long time, but even before we get all the people from all the years entered, we have ideas on how this work can benefit our neighborhood.

  • Walking Tours: We can enter building information into The Forge directly, including pictures. And soon we’ll be able to pull up certain types of buildings. Imagine being able to see on a historic map all the Green Book sites that were located in Walnut Hills, to follow them around our neighborhood and to learn about them by clicking on a red dot on the map! Or churches. Or schools. Or …
  • People from our Past: We can enter information and pictures about people who lived or worked in Walnut Hills and call up groups of these. Teachers at Frederick Douglass School. Or business owners in Peebles Corner. Or members of a church congregation. Or …
  • Statistical Analysis: Of course, the more census information we enter, the more analysis we will be able to do. But by choosing which areas to concentrate on, we will soon be able to do some comparisons between different population groups, looking at education levels, family size, birth location, occupations, etc.

These are only a few of the ideas we have for using HistoryForge to understand our neighborhood better Exciting? Want to be a part of the work?